Community schemes typically plan for almost all eventualities and try to maintain a good cash flow. This means that there are usually reserve funds for maintenance work and projects that may need to be done. However, at some point, there is bound to be an unplanned scenario, and it’s at this stage where some community schemes can get tripped up and fall into financial trouble.
Let’s take a look at the top reasons that community schemes may need financial assistance and what the solution is because schemes cannot always expect the homeowners to cover the costs of these projects up front with little to no warning.
Settle municipal debt
In the case of levies that have not been paid, a sectional title scheme can find itself in trouble with the municipality if it cannot pay the municipal bills. For example, lights, water, rates or taxes. Being in municipal debt is not a good place to be for schemes and settling this as soon as possible is advisable.
Whether it’s a routine paint job, or painting that needs to happen due to damage from a natural disaster or another circumstance, this is an unavoidable job. It may not sound pricey, but painting can be costly for schemes that need a large area painted. This can come in the form of communal buildings, walls or other large surface areas and is something that cannot be prolonged or left for too long.
Another job that simply cannot be ignored is waterproofing. After a lot of rain, the waterproofing in buildings can get compromised; over time, this can need replacing. In certain climates, this happens more frequently and is another unavoidable project that will need to be completed. Often, community schemes haven’t budgeted for this, so they will need funds quickly to take care of it.
Roofing / Roof Repairs
Roof repairs are one of the most expensive projects for houses and buildings. These are time-sensitive repairs that need urgent funding, and if a scheme doesn’t have the money for it, it could land them in hot water, with even more damage to fix. While schemes may budget for roof maintenance every few years, unexpected damage can occur in between and lead to expensive repairs that need to be made quickly. In this scenario, a scheme will need access to funds within a short timeframe.
Property upgrades
As the homeowners in a sectional title scheme continue to grow and evolve over the years, there are sometimes upgrades that need to be made to keep up with these changes. For example, a scheme may not have required specific security measures initially, but over time they may want to get better security in place as crime levels increase. This would lead to a significant expense that needs to be covered all at once. Or, as the scheme grows in time, there may come a need for extra visitor parking bays. This is another considerable expense that will need to be funded one way or another, and special levies may not raise enough money.
Lift maintenance
Routine maintenance of elevators is key in keeping down repair costs as well as proven to extend the overall lifespan of elevator systems. An elevator is made up of hundreds of moving parts – many of which need to be checked regularly to remain in working order. Maintained lifts are also more reliable, work faster, and provide a better experience for residents. Due to multiple electricity outages, lift failure is also more common. Schemes should make sure that they provide a safe service, especially when it is in regular use every day, and the only way they can guarantee that is if they keep up with scheduled maintenance. Having a plan for lifts during load shedding will also safeguard the scheme from liability issues.
A financial solution for sectional title schemes
Propell’s Project Loans solution is a great source of confidence for many community schemes, and yours could be one of them. Not only do we offer schemes the comfort of knowing that they have a plan B in case they run into problems with unforeseen repairs or unexpected expenses, but they also know that this financial solution is quick and efficient. There’s no long waiting period, and funds are paid out immediately for projects like maintenance, upgrades, repairs and energy-saving solutions.
Community schemes can draw from the revolving facility whenever they need to. They can select a repayment term for each drawdown to meet their needs. It’s safe to say that Project Loans are the fastest, most efficient and cost-effective way to have work completed. Simply contact Propell to apply for a Project Loan for your community scheme, then a revolving facility is approved, and the funds are available immediately for use.
Find out more about Project Loans here and see how this solution can give your community scheme the comfort to tackle any project that needs to be done.