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The effects of load shedding on security in a sectional title scheme
Load shedding has become a regular occurrence that we must endure at frequent intervals across the country. Load shedding...
Reasons why community schemes need financial assistance
Community schemes typically plan for almost all eventualities and try to maintain a good cash flow. This means that there...
The ins and outs of Sectional Title Levies
In Sectional Title Schemes, levies are part of the essential framework that ensures the scheme runs smoothly. Levies are...
The Property Practitioners Act and its impact on Community Housing Schemes
The Property Practitioners Act, No. 22 of 2019 ("PPA") has far-reaching implications for managing agents of sectional title...
What Community Schemes need to know about the CSOS Act
The rise in residential estates and other forms of communal living across South Africa has resulted in an increased need...
The role and power of trustees in Sectional Title Schemes
One of the most important decisions that bodies corporate must make every year is to appoint trustees. Trustees form a...
Understanding the different types of resolutions in Sectional Title Schemes
When it comes to sectional title schemes, not all decisions that need to be made require the same level of approval from...
How community schemes can go green with Propell
Rising utility costs and the demand for sustainable solutions affects community schemes nationwide. Increases in...
How are levies calculated in sectional title developments?
Levies are the bread and butter of a sectional title scheme. Levies cover necessary bills that need to be paid for the...
7 tips for securing your sectional title scheme before the holidays
As the holidays approach, it’s important to remember that this time of year is often when your security at home is vital....
A financial solution for levy default in community schemes
Good financial management and a balanced cash flow are the keys to running a successful community scheme. Community schemes...
Commonly overlooked areas in community scheme budgets
Community housing schemes include Sectional Title schemes, share-blocks, retirement developments and Home Owners’...
What financing options are available for community schemes?
The key to running a successful body corporate or homeowner association lies in good financials and cash flow management....
Water damage in Sectional Title Schemes – whose responsibility is it?
One of the most common headaches in Sectional Title Schemes comes in the form of water leaks. These can be anything from...
How many trustees must a body corporate have?
A body corporate has the important role of managing and administering the land and buildings in a sectional title scheme....
How Arendsig Body Corporate used Project loans for their lift replacement
Routine maintenance of your elevators is key in keeping down repair costs as well as proven to extend the overall lifespan...
How to address outstanding levy payments in Sectional Title Schemes
Sectional title complexes and gated estates have become the popular way to live in South Africa. There are a few...
Trustee duties in a Sectional Title Scheme
Sectional title properties have become a popular way of living for many South Africans, and along with this type of living...
Can body corporates and homeowners associations borrow money?
Good financial and cash flow management is crucial for well-run and efficiently operated community housing schemes,...
Ensuring health and safety regulations in sectional title schemes and HOA’s
The responsibility for managing and maintaining the under health and safety laws in sectional title schemes and Homeowners...
How to handle levy default when debit orders bounce
Homeowners' Associations (HOA) and Sectional Title schemes regularly face the situation where people default on their...
Leading utility company, netVendor, partners with Propell
netVendor, a private utility company providing metering solutions for electricity and water, has partnered with Propell....
5 security upgrade tips for your estate before the holiday season
The holiday season is fast approaching, which brings with it a rise in residential burglary and property damage....
Ways for sectional title schemes and homeowners associations to increase property and rental values
Property values are up, and people are ready to buy and sell One of the solutions that authorities around the world are...
How community schemes can rely on debtor finance to cover levy shortfalls
Community schemes rely on property homeowners to pay their levies every month to provide the necessary maintenance and...
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